
About IAUA Membership

IAUA provides a forum and networking for urologists of Indian descent, to meet, share and foster professional and cultural advancement.

Annual membership with IAUA includes:

  • Scientific Meeting. An excellent scientific program is planned each year at the spring IAUA meeting held in conjunction with the American Urological Association’s Annual Meeting (your input is welcome).
  • Network of Experts. Access to the IAUA website and members only section to network with other IAUA members and experts in urology.
  • Eligibility for three outstanding grants programs:
    1. The AUA/IAUA Chakrobortty Fellowship Program
    2. The IAUA/Sakti Das /Urology Care Foundation Research Award
    3. The IAUA/Kailash Kedia/Urology Care Foundation Research Award
  • Career Advice. Have a question for an expert, but don’t know who to ask? Send a message to us and we will do the research. Have a career related or practice question that needs an answer? Contact us. We are here to help you with any professional concerns you may have.
  • Discounted registration for the IAUA Annual Banquet


For questions or concerns please contact:

IAUA Member Services
Phone: 410-878-9708
Email: [email protected]